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Shrimp And Cheese Omelette

1 servings

3 medium Eggs
1 tbsp Butter
3 oz Shrimp, chopped
1 oz Shredded Harvarti Cheese, (or Monterey Jack Cheese)
2 tsp Fresh parsley, chopped
Green onions, (optional)
1 tsp Basil, chopped (optional)

Preparation Method:
Whisk up eggs in a bowl. If to thick, add just a bit of cream. I do not. Add parsley.
Coarsely chop up some shrimp. I like fresh but you can use can.
Shred cheese of choice.
In small omellette or frying pan, add the mix and let cook until firm on the bottom and bubbly on the top, Add your shrimp and cheese. If you are adding onions, add them now too.
Fold over and cook until firm to the press.

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